Fees May Be Hourly, Flat, or Contingent
Our Firm offers different fee structures for different situations: hourly, flat, and contingent.
Most cases will be billed at an hourly rate. Mr. Lewis’ hourly rate is $400 per hour. The firm requires an advanced fee deposit of $7,500. A 95-minute office consultation is billed at $500. The paralegal / case manager rate is $175 per hour or $195 per hour (senior paralegal), depending on the fee agreement. Rates may be different depending on the fee agreement.
Both hourly fees and costs advanced on behalf of the Client shall be noted on a monthly invoice prepared and emailed to the client on or around the 20th of each month. The Law Firm shall pay any outstanding invoice by transferring the funds from the trust account to the operating account until the balance of the trust account dips below $3,500.
Once the balance in the trust account dips below $3,500, client shall replenish the trust account so that it is sufficient to pay off the invoice and maintain a balance of at least $3,500. The balance in the trust account shall always be at least $3,500.
In the event that the Client does not pay off the invoice by the 30th of the month, the Law Firm shall pay it off from the $3,500 in the trust account and then terminate the client. Any deficit shall be immediately payable. Any outstanding balance after 30 days shall be subject to collections and a finance charge of 12% per annum. Upon satisfaction of the final invoice, any balance in the trust account shall be returned to the client.
However, a subset of family law matters and all estate planning matters handled by the firm are billed at a flat rate, depending on the complexity of the case. All flat fees are due before the firm begins work on the matter. An additional fee of $500 will be charged for any travel.
In cases where there may be a significant damage award, the fee structure is contingent. These cases are typically serious injuries or civil rights cases arising in Indian country. We don’t accept contingent cases except under rare circumstances and we only accept one contingent case at a time.
Our firm charges a flat fee of $2,500 for all contingent cases. This is in addition to any award obtained at the close of a contingent case.
(206) 223-0840
Uncontested Divorce
In an uncontested divorce, the client explains what both parties have agreed to and the firm drafts the paperwork based on that information. Communication is only with one party and the firm is not involved in any negotiations. The fee for an uncontested divorce includes the basic fee of $2,500 and the court filing fee of $315 plus any additional elements that may be necessary, as follows:
- Children – $1,000
- Real Property – $500
- Pension – $500
- Stock Awards – $500
Mediated, Pro Se Divorce
A mediated pro se divorce is where the clients trust each other and can communicate well with each other, but need a little help to get over the finish line. Mr. Lewis can help the parties understand the legal issues, the relevant facts, and guide them to a mutually acceptable solution. The flat fee includes two two-hour sessions, either over Zoom or in person. The fee for a mediated pro se divorce includes the basic fee of $2,000 and the court filing fee of $315 plus any additional elements that may be necessary, as follows:
- Children – $1,000
- Real Property – $500
- Pension – $500
- Stock Awards – $500
- Draft all pleadings – $1,500
- Simple Will – $1,000
- Reciprocal – $250
- Contingent Trust (For Minor Children) – $500
- Stat. Healthcare Directive, Gen. Power of Attorney, Med. Power of Attorney – $250
- File in King County Will Repository – $75
- Obtain notary and witnesses – $250
Any discovery, continuance, or legal memo for a matter will be billed at $400 per hour for the attorney and $175 per hour for the paralegal in addition to the Flat Fee.
- Order for Protection: Anti-Harassment (Petition or Response) – $5,500
- Order for Protection: Domestic Violence (Petition or Response) – $5,500
- Order for Protection: Surrender Weapons – $2,500
- Draft, Negotiate, and Review Pre or Post-Nuptial Agreement – $2,500
- Motion to Convert Decree of Separation to Decree of Dissolution – $1,000
- Motion to Adjust Child Support (Minor Modification) – $4,500
- Motion to Modify Child Support (Major Modification) – $6,500
- Establishment of Parentage-Agreed – $1,500
- Motion for Contempt – $5,500
- Motion to Enforce – $5,500
- CR 60 Motion to Vacate – $5,500
- Domesticating Foreign Subpoena – $750
- Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) – $1,500
- Garnishment, employer – $1,000
- Garnishment, financial institution (up to 2) – $1,000
- Any subsequent garnishment – $250
Filing Fees
- Petition for Dissolution – $315
- Deposit or Withdrawal, Will Registry – $20
- Ex parte presentation of agreed orders via the clerk – $31
- Quit Claim Deed and REETA – $303.50 plus $1 for each additional page
(206) 223-0840
Many Ways to Make Payments
You have multiple options for how to pay for your legal service, which include cashier’s check, personal check, credit or debit card, and installment loans. You can make payment directly from your bank account via ACH direct debit transfer. We also accept payment in cash if you pay in person.
Pay Online
For your convenience, we offer secure online payment systems that allow you to make payments quickly and easily. If you are currently our client and would like to make a secure credit card payment online, you may do so by clicking the LawPay button above. Please note that you will be charged a 2% processing fee.
For your convenience, we have also made Affirm available to you. Pay Later, powered by Affirm, allows you to finance your payment to our firm with no hidden fees or hidden interest, no late charges, and no surprises. Simply pay your total balance in affordable increments over time. If you’re interested in learning more about Pay Later, read the FAQs here: https://www.affirm.com/how-it-works.
Neither our office nor any employee have a financial relationship with Affirm, nor do we receive any compensation for providing you with this information. You must carefully consider your ability to repay before taking any loan. If you are interested in learning more, you can begin your loan application with Affirm by clicking on the LawPay button above and selecting the “Pay Later” tab located on that page.