The Most Frequent Answer Is "It Depends..."
In this video, we discuss what the meaning of Pro Se divorce is and what that means for you and your family.

In this Video, we discuss if a Child can Testify against a Spouse, and the processes involved with doing that.

In this video, we discuss the Relocation Act and some details related to relocating.
In this video, we discuss if the judge will favor the party that is not lying and the exceptions related to that.

In this video, we answer questions and discuss topics including:

What do I do when the other party is in contempt?
Do I need a parenting plan?

In this video, we answer questions and discuss topics including:

How can I get a 50/50 Parenting Plan?

How do you calculate Child Support?

In this video, we answer frequently asked questions and discuss topics including the difference between Separate Property and Community Property.
In this video, we answer frequently asked questions and discuss topics including if your stock options are considered salary, and do you count your stock options as income or as an asset?
In this video, we answer frequently asked questions and discuss topics including an explanation of hearsay, and what to do if you suspect your spouse is lying.

Can my spouse and I work-out the basic property / debt distribution, parenting / support issue ourselves and then hire one attorney to do the paperwork for both of us? It Depends...

Occasionally we facilitate an uncontested divorce, meaning that we work with both parties to determine the parties' assets / liabilities and suggest a fair and equitable distribution. We then prepare and file the documents.

We undertake this role only if both parties agree to meet with me together and they call me independently to confirm the appointment. In the event that this process doesn't work and the parties lawyer-up we are ethically unable to represent either party.

Do I need an Attorney for a Divorce? It Depends...

If you have no assets , you trust your soon-to-be ex, and you have sufficient time, then you probably don't need an attorney. If, however, you have any of the following: significant liabilities, dependents, real property, pension income, significant investments and/or a business an attorney is highly recommended.

When dividing assets in a divorce, there are many variables that come into play.

Having an attorney is not only advisable to achieve an optimal outcome, it can pay dividends when relationships, confidence and self-esteem are frayed and in jeopardy. Using an attorney can often spare undue hurt and preclude long-standing acrimony.

If my spouse and I want to get divorced ourselves, how do we do it? It Depends...

We have developed a comprehensive list of the steps to assist in this process. The process requires you to visit the Washington State Courts website and download the correct forms. In a nutshell, you would fill out the forms. If you are able to complete the requisite steps and correctly file them, congratulations, you are now divorced.

The process can be daunting because it is uncharted territory for most of us and the terrain is emotionally-charged.

Whether you are inclined to go it alone or not, call us first and we will get you started on the right path.

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